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"She's opened my eyes to the importance of niche, finding my aligning my content towards my dream client, and owning my value in the coaching world. From the first masterclass I attended, Brittany expressed the passion and energy that I was looking for in a coach. Along with her mad strategy skills, she's exceeded all my expectations as my business coach. Her personal touch in assisting with growing my business has been the biggest game changer. She believed in the dreams I had and supported me when I didn't."

Victoria W.

"If you have a mission and purpose but need help finding your dream client, and content - she’s the master of it."

Liz F.

"Brittany is so strong in niching down, lead generation, sales, and is always willing to get more knowledge and tools required or requested by her clients."

Bouchra C.

"I was sort of all over the place, trying to serve everyone and going nowhere. I had an idea of my ideal client but I didn’t want to leave anyone out. I have been able to hone in on my dream client and that has truly helped me to become my authentic self because I am no longer trying to “serve” everyone but I am using my energy to attract my dream client. I have gained my confidence in my skills and abilities as a coach."

Velvette S.

Private Coaching$0

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  • Preferred option
    3 Months: $5K PIF$5000.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Months: $1888 X 3/Mth3x $1888.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xPrivate Coaching$0

All prices in USD

What's included with your investment:
VIP Personalized Support:

Unlimited Private 1:1 Coaching + Strategy Calls

Private Recorded Sessions For Future Reference

Daily 1:1 Voxer Coaching (Text & Audio)

Signature System + Course Creation Support

Access to all Masterminds & VIP Upgrades during our time together

The Independent Boss Babe Inner Circle:

Lifetime Access To All LIVE Recorded Programs, Masterclasses and Workshops

The Independent Boss Babe LIVE Immersive Monthly Group Coaching

Make Life Your Bitch Mastermind:

Weekly - Make Life Your Bitch Mastermind Coaching

LIVE Monthly Business Growth Masterclass

Bi-Weekly Co-Working Sessions

Lifetime Access To The Private Independent Boss Babe Lounge Community

Access To Our Private Online Learning Portal
- Niche Domination 2.0
- The Content Creation Lab

The Independent Boss Babe Inner Circle Private Chat
